Snap-On Air Saw Cuts Steel Like Butter! (Short Demo)

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    Right now i am doing a little bit of repair / maintenance on Chicken's caddy. One of the amps had an issue. Nothing crazy, nothing burnt, just a malfunction which was causing it to not work optimal. I sent it in for repair. It's back now and i will unbox it on the next video (maybe)
    For those with a great eye, please disregard the air line and wires running next to the shock. I actually had started pulling stuff apart before i made this update video. Normally that stuff is out of the way. What i plan on doing is using this saw to cut off the upper shock mount that i previously welded, moving it up about 1.5-2" and then re-welding a new one it's place. But i just got this saw today and i wanted to show it off! so here it is :D
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